About Kim

My Story
Hi, I’m Kim, and I’m here because everything went wrong, and I had to figure out how to make everything right again, probably much like yourself. I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (accredited by American Association of Drugless Practitioners), Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Certified Coach, and the founder of Salt n’ Sauna Wellness. I specialize in autoimmunity, nutrition, and empowerment, along with practical, real-life approaches that it takes to be successful in any healing journey. I understand practical, as it’s the foundation of my daily life…I’ve been a single mom for 18 years to three amazing kids, my oldest is special needs, and I’ve always worked.
My journey with autoimmunity and chronic illness began with Grave’s Disease and Celiac Disease, and have affected my life in the most profound way. The worst thing that ever happened to me, turns out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me, as I discovered my immense passion to heal! My journey began by taking the medication for my Grave’s Disease. A month later I was fighting for my life in the ICU with Agranulocytosis (zero WBC, zero neutrophils), Sepsis, severe Tachycardia, severe Hypotension, Neutropenia, and a host of other conditions. I spent 13 days in the ICU, 10 of those days near death with my doctors not expecting me to leave the hospital. The medication for my Grave’s Disease was killing me, literally. I was one of only a handful of people around the world to survive a case so severe. Upon leaving the hospital, my Endocrinologist gave me two choices…have my thyroid removed or die (I now can never take medication for my disease). I opted to follow my own path, to follow my gut instincts, and began the process of modifying my diet with the Autoimmune Protocol, modifying my lifestyle habits, detoxing my body, and doing anything that I needed to regain my health. Afterall, your body is wired to heal and be healthy, you just have to find a way to let it.
I was determined to heal (and to survive!), and put myself into remission from a very aggressive Grave's Disease after leaving the ICU. A feat none of my doctors thought possible. Not only did I heal from the Grave's disease, but from all that my body endured those 13 days. My body was in such a depleted state, as I had withstood the unthinkable, and needed massive healing. I did it 100% naturally, with no medication, no surgery, and quicker than I imagined in my wildest dreams! Now I'm putting my passion to use so I can help others obtain optimal health and wellness, help to navigate healing with Autoimmune Disease, Chronic Disease, undiagnosed issues, and help to learn to live the healthiest life possible!
From one Autoimmune warrior to the next, you can be healthy and vibrant living with an autoimmune disease, chronic illness, or undiagnosed health issues. It is possible! As a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, I use a holistic and functional approach to healing, troubleshooting, and discovering root issues. I’m here to help and empower you to take back your health, learn to use practical approaches to modify your diet, to modify your lifestyle habits (most importantly sleep, stress, toxic relationships, exercise, and daily life), to advocate for yourself, and to empower you to be as knowledgeable as you can be. There is power in learning how to heal your body, and learning how to live a vibrant life…take yours back today!
Autoimmune Disease & Chronic Illness
Lifestyle Habits
Real-Life Approaches
Advocate & Empower